Hey hey FB Fam, it’s Father’s month . We want to embrace our father’s and show that we care. Our hot meal items that are needed are as follows:
8 tubs of macaroni salad (GFS) box of
ketchup pkts (GFS)
box of mustard pkts (GFS)
100 spoon pkts w/napkin
100 plastic handle bags
200 waters and pkts
200 bags of chips
200 granola bars
200 trail mix
200 fruit snacks
200 applesauce
200 cookie
You may donate the items or donate monetarily through cash app at $jenaihicklinnewleaf, Zelle or PayPal. We will deliver on June 15 next Saturday, so everything is due on Monday, June 10. Thanking you in advance for your love and service to people that are in a different space than us. Much love #NLG#LiveToServeServeToLive